Jay McCreight is serving in her third term in the Maine House of Representatives and serves as House chair of the Marine Resources Committee. Jay worked for 30 years as a social worker and clinical counselor, primarily in Maine public schools. She volunteers with her local volunteer fire department, library book group, grassroots health care advocacy group, and her road association. She and her husband, a Brunswick small business owner, have two adult children and four grandchildren.
This page is dedicated to helping Jay and the Maine House Democratic Campaign Committee protect a Democratic majority in the Maine House of Representatives.
The House Democratic Campaign Committee is the only organization solely dedicated to protecting a Democratic majority in the Maine House of Representatives. Through
candidate recruitment, incumbent protection, candidate staffing and training, and communication to low-information, swing voters, the House Democratic Campaign Committee provides the infrastructure that is critical to maintaining and expanding a Democratic majority in the House every two years.
Your contribution will help Jay and the Maine House Democratic Campaign Committee ENSURE that Democrats protect a Democratic majority in the House.
Find out more about Maine House Democrats at mainehousedemocrats.com