Gary Peters

Stand with Senator Gary Peters

Senator Peters’ race is pivotal to flipping the Senate in 2020 and key to Democrats regaining control of the White House. While there are great pickup opportunities for Democrats throughout the country, Republicans are dumping millions into Michigan to try and flip this seat. Retaking the Senate is impossible if we don’t protect Gary’s seat. Mitch McConnell’s super PAC just spent $4.5 million on attack ads against Gary. The race was recently downgraded to a “tossup” and the latest poll from CNBC has this race statistically tied. 


Gary’s opponent, John James, outraised Senator Peters every quarter he’s been in the race. James is a celebrity within the Republican party that “supports Trump 2000%.” Michigan is a huge target for the GOP, as Gary’s seat their best chance at flipping one in decades and Trump must win Michigan to carry the election. The stakes are immensely high and we cannot afford to take this seat for granted.

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