Jennifer Lee

Fight for Representation We can Believe In.

It is time the people of 55 had real representation. As a single mom and educator, I will fight for commonsense gun laws, thoughts and prayers must result in policy and change. Our children deserve the absolute best public education in fully funded schools where everyone is welcome and they are safe. Lastly, I intend to fight to keep the government out of our bedrooms, bathrooms, and doctor's offices. Medical decisions should be made by patients and their doctors, not lawmakers with a personal vendetta. Your support, will go towards the hard, but necessary work of righting some wrongs and moving HD55 forward instead of backwards. Flipping this seat is going to take a significant investment from all stakeholders. Thank you in advance for partnering with me. Don't forget to follow me on Facebook at Jennifer4Texas for campaign updates!


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This is not a quick or short battle, HD55 needs people in this for the long run to sustain the fight. Recurring donations are crucial.


Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  4. I am at least eighteen years old.
Political Advertising paid for by Jennifer Lee for Texas House District 55. Contributions or gifts to Jennifer Lee for Texas House District 55 are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. Only personal, partnerships, and political action committee checks please, we are unable to accept any corporate funds. By providing your cell phone number, you are consenting to receive recurring automated text messages & automated calls from the Jennifer Lee for Texas House District 55 Campaign with news, updates, and information about the campaign and related issues. Message frequency will vary. Message and data rates may apply. Text HELP for more information. Text STOP to stop receiving messages. Privacy policy and SMS terms available at:

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