In Pima County, Arizona, the climate crisis isn’t a distant threat — it’s a daily battle against extreme heat and water scarcity.
Mobilizing impacted communities is the best way to ensure equitable and sustainable climate solutions. That’s why we’re endorsing Jen Allen for Pima County Supervisor. Jen has a proven record of local, community-based organizing.
As Senior VP of Community and Civic Engagement at League of Conservation Voters, Jen helped to found Chispa to mobilize Latinx communities around climate policy — encouraging them to use their own power to impact change. She also helped to found LCV’s Democracy for All campaign, which registered more than 1.2 million voters of color across 17 states.
The Pima County Board of Supervisors sets policy that can address both the root causes and immediate impacts of the climate crisis, and Arizonans need Jen’s voice on that board.
Make a contribution below to support her campaign!