I'm counting on your support to win! Get involved and help make a difference. Please chip in with any amount that you can. Let's move our school district forward and keep it among the best in our county and state.
My name is Jim Boice, and I’m running for Pennsbury School Director for Region 2.
Over the years, as a 19-year resident of Falls Township, father of a 5-year-old enrolled in our schools, former teacher with ten years of experience, and a union rep, I’ve learned a few things about supporting public schools and making them great. But I won’t stand a chance of winning without your support. Every donation, whether it be $5 or $100, sends a message that we can’t be ignored.
We probably have a few things in common. I’m focused on the issues that matter most to us – keeping our schools great by improving them, supporting our teachers and school staff, keeping our community affordable, and protecting public education. Our students must be squarely in the center of everything that we do.
Although my campaign is just getting started, there are a lot of eyes on it already, and the opposition is going to do everything that they can to stop us. There are no big name or big bankroll donors backing me up, so please chip in whatever you can to help us take and keep the lead.