Jolene Farmer

Jolene for NH

Join us in supporting Jolene Farmer for New Hampshire House of Representatives. Your contribution will help Jolene get elected and closer to the goal of creating a brighter future for all Granite Staters.

This will be a tough district to turn BLUE but with your donation and Jolene's deep passion for the greater good of our communities, we can win. Please donate today.

Contribution rules

  1. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
State law requires us to report the name, address, occupation and employer from individuals whose contributions exceed $100 in an election cycle. The maximum individual contribution is $15,000. Contributions are not tax deductible. Paid for Jolene Farmer for NH.

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