This fall Ijoined IfNotNow, a movement of young American Jews working to end our community’ssupport for the Occupation. IfNotNow is grounded in the belief that theliberation of Jews is bound up with other oppressed groups, both in this countryand in Israel/Palestine. The name comes from Hillel’s famous words: If I am notfor myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And if notnow, when?
Like so manyothers right now, I am terrified about what the next four years will bring, notjust for our community but also—and especially—for people who don’t share mywhite, male, upper-class privilege. I was raised with the belief that to beJewish meant to stand up for social justice, not just for Jews but foreveryone. Which is why I am disheartened by the ways that the American Jewishestablishment has taken a “wait and see” approach with Trump. The very sameinstitutions which decry any critique of Israel as anti-Semitism have remainedsilent on the appointment of Steve Bannon, an open anti-Semite and racist, to apowerful position in the White House. It has become abundantly clear that theJewish establishment will not provide ethical leadership, much less save us orother vulnerable communities from attack by Trump and his allies.
But I alsohave hope. Over the past three weeks, IfNotNow has brought more than 2000people into the streets under the banner of the #JewishResistance. Youcan see photos from our “Day of Jewish Resistance” in 30 cities here.
In thecoming year, IfNotNow plans to continue to grow quickly, to train hundreds morepeople on our mission and strategy, to bring thousands more into the streets,and to continue to call on the American Jewish establishment to end its silencein the face of hatred and oppression, both here and in Israel/Palestine.
However, wecan’t make any of this happen without the support of our community. IfNotNow isworking to raise $35,000 before the end of the year, and I have pledged toraise $500 toward that goal. Will you help me with a donation to support the#JewishResistance?
Thank you!