Do you feel unseen or forgotten by our government?
I come from a working-class family—people who sacrificed, worked hard, and played by the rules. But when my father lost his job due to partisan politics, we learned the hard way that the system isn’t built for families like ours. That moment showed me the truth: Our government has failed the working class.
I’m running for Congress to give working families a real voice. We need leaders who invest in our communities, not their own self-interest.
I’ll fight for a public healthcare option—so you never have to choose between putting food on the table and affording medicine. I’ll invest in safe communities, rebuild infrastructure, and push for a common-sense immigration policy that strengthens our economy and ensures fairness.
I’ll fight for tax deductions that help working families—not just corporations and the ultra-wealthy—because we deserve a tax system that benefits hardworking Americans, not just wealth.
I may be a Democrat on paper, but I’m an independent-thinking Texan who believes in bipartisanship over party politics. I’m not running for power—I’m running for you. I’ll work with anyone to get things done because the government should serve the people, not itself. It’s time for a government that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. Let’s bring real change and ensure no hardworking American is forgotten again.
Will you join me in the fight for working-class families? Together, we can build a government that works for the people!