Donate to JoyAnn Ruscha for RTD!

JoyAnn Ruscha is running for the Regional Transportation District Board of Directors because she believes that public transit is for the public good - and RTD can do better to realize its full potential.

As Director, JoyAnn will:

  • Be an advocate for youth ridership by working to ensure public school students ride for free and work with school districts to solve transit inequities;
  • Reduce carbon emissions by advocating a transition from our diesel fleet to electric vehicles, as well as supporting multi-modal forms of transit (such as adding additional bike racks);
  • Be a champion for those with disabilities, including improving services with Access-a-Ride and lobbying municipalities to fix bus stops to make them fully ADA compliant and safe;
  • Foster positive relationships with other stakeholders like community groups, special districts, and other governmental agencies (the office of the Governor, the state legislature, metro-area city council members and commissioners, etc);
  • Increase accountability to the public by pushing for more audits and oversight of the Agency and its private contractors, as well as hold frequent community meetings on budgets and contracts;
  • Advocate for transparency by insisting that meetings are live-streamed and ensuring that Directors are taking more proactive measures to publish meetings and events, as well as publish more public documents online;
  • Stand with the bargaining unit at RTD and advocate for their right to fair pay, benefits, and safe working conditions.

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am a United States citizen.
  4. This contribution is not from a corporation or labor union.

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