Please join Representative Garratt for a campaign kickoff barbecue! HD29 continues to be a swing district, and Rep. Garratt is excited to launch her campaign for re-election.
Food and drinks provided!
At the home of Ron Freeny & Steve Loomis
Albuquerque, NM
Saturday, September 23rd
1:00-3:00 pm
Address available upon contribution or RSVP
Suggested Contribution Levels:
Host: $1000 | Co-Host: $500
Supporter: $250 | Ally: $100 | Friend $50 | Guest $25
Host Committee
Steve Loomis and Ron Freeny, Senator Harold Pope, Jr., Daymon Ely and Cynthia Fry, Pat Davis, Claudia Risner, Isaiah Zemke and Ashley Long, Julianna Koob, Diana Shea, Cynthia Gefvert and Paul McGinnes, Jan Williams