Join us in the fight to end extremism in Florida politics! Your donation helps power our campaign to bring real change and create a Florida where every family can thrive. Whether it's $5, $25, or more, every bit of support moves us closer to victory. Let鈥檚 take back Florida together鈥攐ne donation at a time. Thank you for standing with us! #TakeBackFlorida #Cieslak4Change
Your generous contribution will help fuel Karl Cieslak's campaign for a stronger, more vibrant District 54. Every dollar you donate will go towards outreach, community events, and spreading our message of positive change. Together, we can make a difference.
Disclaimer: Contributions or gifts to Karl Cieslak for Florida House of Representatives, District 54, are not tax-deductible. Contributions must be made from your own funds, and you must use your own personal credit card or debit card to make this contribution. Contributions from labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited. By making this contribution, you affirm that you are at least 18 years old and meet the eligibility requirements. The contribution limit is $1,000 per person, business, or organization per election cycle, including the Primary and General Election cycles.