I have always believed that one must contribute to preserve something they value. This core belief is why I have been honored to serve on the Madison Borough Council and why I am asking residents to allow me to continue to serve. Thank you for your support to help me get re-elected to council.
As a three term Councilmember, elected both as a Republican and as a Democrat, I value the views and opinions of all residents and recognize that we all want what is best for Madison and its future.
My experience includes:
- Served as the Coordinator of the Madison Office of Emergency Management through Hurricane Irene, the October Snowstorm and Hurricane Sandy, I negotiated $2 million in reimbursements with FEMA and worked to get the Borough up and running after these storms.
- Serving on the Madison Volunteer Ambulance Corps for the past 25+ years as an EMT, Captain, and President, as well as having served as an Auxiliary Police Officer
- Past president of the Madison Board of Health
- Continuing member of the Downtown Development Committee (DDC) to help maintain and improve Madison’s vibrant downtown.
My areas of priority include:
- Continue to advocate for frugal and prudent spending and backed budgets that imposed minimal property tax increases on our residents.
- Madison does set itself apart in the services it provides to the residents and it’s important that we continue to offer a high level of service that leads to the enviable quality of life in Madison.
- We must continue to work to support Drew and preserve the Drew Forest by bringing all groups together and finding a plan to move forward.
Let’s work together to get it done!
You can learn more about my vision for Madison at https://madisonnjdems.com/
Thank you for supporting my re-election campaign!