Let My People Go. Because Never Again Is Now.

Let My People Go. Because Never Again Is Now.

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Update May 2020:

Dear friends,

We began this project with the goal of raising $18,000 by the end of Passover. With your help and support we have raised over $33,000 since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis to help post bond and get our neighbors out of ICE detention and back home to their families. At the same time, we've been mobilizing our community to call for the release of ICE detainees and an end to all incarceration, and we won't stop until everyone is free.

Every win, every achievement in our history, has been accomplished by people who have pooled their resources, talents, and time for a common cause. The struggle to abolish ICE and the prison-industrial complex will be won by sustained, collective action by all of us, led by the individuals and communities directly impacted by these systems.

You can set up a sustaining or one-time contribution to Minnesota Freedom Fund directly here: https://minnesotafreedomfund.org/donate

Any donations to this page going forward will stay with Never Again Action.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for taking action with us. Keep an eye out for news from Minnesota Freedom Fund, Never Again Action and Jewish Community Action. There's so much more to do.


In partnership with Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that pays criminal bail and immigration bonds for those who can’t afford it, Twin Cities Never Again Action and Jewish Community Action aim to raise $18,000 by the end of Passover. As we prepare to tell the story of our people’s liberation from Mitzrayim, Egypt, The Narrow Place, for Passover, we must also rewrite our future to include freedom and dignity for all.

There are hundreds of concentration camps in our own backyards, where thousands of children, parents, siblings, and friends are caged for their immigration status alone.

As Jews, we cannot stand by and watch. Never again is NOW.

Anne Frank and thousands of our ancestors died in Nazi concentration camps, not by gas or bullet, but of infectious diseases - and not by accident.Now, thousands of detained immigrants face the same fate in immigration detention in America, crowded and unsafe during this wave of COVID-19.

We need your help to pay the bonds of our immigrant neighbors - to free them, reunite them with their families, and diminish the spread of COVID-19. Your gift will return freedom and dignity to our immigrant neighbors, and keep them safe from this rapidly spreading virus.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the ongoing emergency of incarceration: human beings locked up in unsafe, unhygienic conditions with no autonomy over their wellbeing. The Trump administration isusing the Coronavirus to increase surveillance across American cities. ICE officers are ripping families apart and detaining our neighbors in crowded concentration camps with no medical care.

Paying bonds reduces harm for individuals, but it’s not enough. 52,000 people across the country languish in immigration detention while they face deportation proceedings. Therefore, we demand that ICE let all our people go, now, and that ICE and CBP cease all actions, especially in hospitals, so that all of our people can be safe.


En colaboración con el Minnesota Freedom Fund (Fondo de Minnesota para la Libertad), una organización que paga la fianza en causas penales y cubre las cauciones en causas migratorias para los que no pueden afrontar estos gastos, Twin Cities Never Again Action (Iniciativa “Nunca Más” enlas Ciudades Gemelas) y Jewish Community Action (Comunidad Judía en Acción) pretenden recaudar $18.000 para finales de Pésaj, la Pascua judía. En estos momentos, cuando nos disponemos a contar la historia de la liberación de nuestro pueblo de Mitsrayim (Egipto,lugar angosto en hebreo) durante la Pascua, también debemos reescribir nuestro futuro para incluir la libertad y la dignidad para todos.

Hay cientos de campos de concentración en los patios traseros de nuestras propias casas, donde miles de niños, padres, hermanos y amigos están enjaulados sólo por su condición migratoria,

Como judíos, no podemos quedarnos de brazos cruzados, mirando. “Nunca más” es AHORA.  

Anne Frank y miles de nuestros antepasados murieron en los campos de concentración nazis, no por los gases ni por las balas, sino por enfermedades infecciosas – y no fue un azar --. Ahora, miles de migrantes detenidos se enfrentan, hacinados e inseguros, al mismo destino en los centros de detención migratoria en EE.UU.

Necesitamos su ayuda para pagar la fianza de nuestros vecinos migrantes, para liberarlos, hacer que se reúnan con sus familias, y reducir la propagación del COVID-19. Su donativo devolverá la libertad y la dignidad a nuestros vecinos migrantes, y los mantendrá a salvo de este virus de rápida transmisión.  

La pandemia del COVID-19 ha vuelto más acusada la emergencia carcelaria ya existente: unos seres humanos encerrados bajo condiciones inseguras y poco higiénicas, sin ninguna autonomía respecto de su propio bienestar. El gobierno Trump se está valiendo del coronavirus para aumentar la vigilancia en las ciudades estadounidenses. Los funcionarios de ICE (Servicio de Migración y Vigilancia Aduanera) están desgarrando familias y deteniendo a nuestros vecinos en campos de concentración sobrepoblados, sin atención médica.

El pago de la fianza reduce los daños infligidos a los individuos, pero no es suficiente. En todo el país, 52.000 personas languidecen en centros de detención migratoria mientras se enfrentan a procedimientos migratorios. Por consiguiente, exigimos que ICE deje salir a toda nuestra gente ahora, y que ICE y CBP (Protección Fronteriza y Aduanera) cesen todas sus intervenciones, sobre todo en los hospitales, para que toda nuestra gente pueda encontrarse segura.


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