The Maple+Twig Movement:
Become a member by paying $10/mo today and get tools, training and support to strengthen dialogue and democracy (details below)
This project is important because...
There are two Americas and we are at War.
Maybe not a "War" in a familiar sense - with spears or bows and arrows or guns and cannons or cavalry and tanks or drones...
We don't see the miles of battlefields strewn with millions of dead bodies...
But take an honest look around and there are casualties, trauma, anger, ended relationships, brokenness, fear, outrage an HATE - everywhere.
This war is far from over and there may be more division, trauma and destruction to come.
History leaves clues.
Think about this.
In spite of the underlying divides we are experiencing now, the economy is "good" and unemployment "low."
But what if that changed?
What if there is another bubble, people started losing jobs, can't pay bills, start going hungry, or losing their homes, the added pressure will accelerate the divisions, inequality and scapegoating.
It may get worse before it gets better.
"What can we do today to make tomorrow easier?"
The #1 most important thing you can do today is strengthen dialogue within your tribe and those outside your tribe.
By listening to others carefully and planting seeds of truth and hope and love. This directly addresses ideologies opposed to Democracy and Freedom and Equality.
I am cautiously hopeful, righteously angry and insistent in a belief that reducing HATRED and amplifying LOVE and TRUTH will make humanity stronger.
I also believe we should be strategically strengthening our own communities and tribes TODAY.
An ounce of prevention today will be worth many pounds of cure tomorrow.
Here's what I've learned from the revolutionaries like Ghandi, MLK, Lincoln, and Wilberforce.
I want to help you strengthen your tribe, strengthen yourself and and help you reduce hatred and amplify love in your community's lives without abandoning your principles and values.
The MapleTwig Movement:
If you'd like to strengthen your tribe, become a member of the MapleTwig movement where we "Grow a Little. Every Day."
It will be the best investment of your time, and energy you make this year.
I'll take care of getting you EVERYTHING you need to take each of these simple steps and do the work to strengthen your tribe and our country.
Here's what members get:
These experiences are delivered via Email, Video, Text and Audio each week to members who give monthly at any level.
Members also stay connected and plugged into a community and get access to EVERY tool, recorded interview, conversation toolkits and community support group.
Donate $10/mo - Get Access to EVERYTHING listed above.
Donate $25/mo - Get everything above + I'll send you a personal thank you email :)
Donate $50/mo - Get everything above + Get a free hoodie or shirt from our store at
Donate $100/mo - Everything above + We can reach 100 new people each month because of YOU.
Donate $500/mo - You will make a huge difference in our ability to hire and grow a team and expand the impact of listening, good karma and strengthen democracy!
Donate $1000/mo - Amplify the impact of "listening" in your community. We'll work together to shorten the road to national healing. You're directly funding growth of a project and team that has your back.
Whether it's $10 or $1000 - your contribution makes an actual difference.
Help us hit our goal to help every American experience a better world.
MONTHLY MEMBERS AT EVERY LEVEL GET AUTOMATIC FREE UPGRADE to lifetime access to all the resources, webinars and training, before it's available anywhere else.
Join the movement now and start working to strengthen your tribe and shorten our path to a new and better America.