Please join us for our Annual Women's History Monty Fundraising event to support The Democratic Women's Caucus (DWPAC) WOMEN RISE UP!
March 23, 2010 A Reception and Dinner for Sponsors
Everyone is invited to the Reception and the Dinner. The cost of the reception and dinner is $70, the Dinner is $60 and just the Reception is $20.
Kate Coyne-McCoy, is the featured speaker. She is the regional director for Emil's List and a Fellow a the Harvard Kennedy School of Government
The event will be at Terry's Catering . Located at 3124 Canterbury Dr. Bloomington, IN 47404
RSVP by ordering your tickets below.
Questions? Please email or call Kristina Simmions at 812-322-8821
ActBlue provides a unique way for you to make your voice echo
in the corridors of power. Please support them with a 10% tip
when you contribute.
$1,000.00 Four tickets to event, possible picture with speaker, invitation to private reception, listed in program, announced from podium
$500.00 Four tickets to event, invitation to private reception, listed in program, announced from podium
$250.00 Two tickets to event, invitation to reception, listed in program, announced from podium
$100.00 One ticket, Listed in program, announced from podium
The money raised at this event will help fund endorsed women canidates in this election cycle and help the DWPAC continue its training events,