All recurring monthly donations will be matched 4:1 by Represent.Us!
MarchOnHarrisburg is powered by your donations! We are a nonpartisan, statewide group dedicated to healing our wounded democracy and restoring trust to our republic.
We are able to fight against systemic political inequality and corruption with your donations.
We will continue our work on passing legislation regarding money in politics, voter access, and fair redistricting with your donations.
In order for us to receive a match for your donation, you need to donate for 4 consecutive months. Please consider dividing your total contribution by 4 and set it to recur for 4 months if you'd like us to receive a match for your donation.
We exist to heal the fractured relationship between government and governed, between state and citizen, and we couldn't do it without your donations.
All donations are made to our 501c3 nonprofit fiscal sponsor, Resources for Human Development Inc.