Matthew Faustini

Can you help out and chip in $5 or more?

I'm officially a candidate for Largo City Commission Seat 2 in 2026

We want our campaign to be rooted in strong grassroots support. That's why it's important this campaign is backed by small donors.

I announced early, because I want the chance to meet and discuss my vision of Largo with as many people as possible.

I have lived in Pinellas my entire life. I grew up in Largo, going to the Lake Palms Outreach Center, which changed so many lives, including mine. My family has lived in our current home since 1990 on Lake Palms Drive. Largo has always been my home.

I was certified to swim in Southwest Pool, I attended Southern Oaks Elementary, Bay Point Middle School, Osceola High School and got my college degree from USF St. Petersburg. Pinellas has been my family's home since the 1960s.

As Commissioner Smith’s appointee to the Largo Planning Board, since February 2022, I’m currently its youngest member at 34. Yet, even as the least experienced member on the board, I was elected Vice Chair this year.

I've worked hard and have been dedicated to earning the respect of my peers of all political ideologies on the board. They know my heart and see my passion and I can't thank them enough for the trust they've placed in me in my role as Vice Chair, especially as our current Chair wages, what I hope is a successful campaign, to become Largo’s next Commissioner for Seat 3 this election cycle.

I've been involved in some manner of Largo politics since I was a kid, from fighting to keep our then outreach program for disadvantaged youth open.

I am running on a platform of legalizing housing, expanding access to early childhood education & care, term limits to end the cycle of career politicians running Largo, more active community policing and to protect and expand especially in East Largo our parks, recreation centers and preserves that make Largo special.

Reach out to me! I want to hear from you. Listen to your concerns, ideas, feedback! Together we will change Largo!

Email me at:


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Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. I am at least eighteen years old.
  3. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
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