Mike Kovack, Chair of the Medina County Democratic Party, invites you to join him on Tuesday, October 24th to enjoy dinner, meeting with fellow Medina County Democrats and hear two guest speakers
The dinner will be held at the Medina Eagles, 696 Lafayette Road, Medina at 6:00 p.m.
Cost: $50; Students $25
Gold: $1,000
Silver: $500
Bronze: $250
Friend of the Party: $100
If you would like to pay by check to attend this event, please make your check out to the Medina County Democratic Party and mail to "Medina County Democratic Party, 110 W Homestead St., Medina, OH 44256".
For more information, please reach out to the Medina County Democratic Party via our Facebook page, our website or email medinademsinfo@gmail.com.
All funds solicited in connection with this event are by the Medina Democratic Party and not by the Ohio Democratic Party.
Contributions to the Medina County Democratic Party will be used to elect Democrats at the local, county, state, and federal level, and to provide Medina County with honest and transparent government.
Website: www.medinadems.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCountyDemocraticParty
Paid for by the Medina County Democratic Party.