Miami-Dade undeniably holds the key to winning Florida and, with it, the White House. After the 2012 election, the Tampa Bay Times proclaimed: "In a race won by razor-thin margins, nowhere mattered more than Miami-Dade, where Obama managed to increase his eye-popping 140,000-vote victory margin in 2008 to an uprecedented 204,000-vote margin this year. Miami-Dade by itself essentially delivered Florida to Obama."
We must win BIG in Miami-Dade, if we want to win Florida.
That’s why the Miami-Dade Democratic Party has been ramping up our grassroots operations. We are sending out waves of volunteers to go door-to-door to make sure our voters are registered at their current address, and crucially, to ensure they are enrolled in Vote-By-Mail.
Help us outfit our wonderful volunteers with the supplies they need. Donate just $5 today to help provide three volunteers with pens during their shift.