Michigan Blue in '24!

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Michigan Democrats had a hugely successful year in 2022, flipping control of both the state House and Senate blue while retaining control of every statewide elected office!

Control of the state legislature is precarious, however: Democrats only have a razor-thin, one-seat majority in each...and Michigan is still very much a swing state. The state Senate isn't up again until 2026, but Dems will need all the help they can get to keep the House blue in 2024!

By default, donations made on this page will be split evenly among the candidates below, but you can also pick & choose which campaigns to support using the "Customize Amounts" tool.

All donations go to the candidates/funds listed below; I receive nothing.


  • HD-013 (D+06): Mai Xiong*
  • HD-021 (D+09): Kelly Breen*
  • HD-022 (D+01): Matt Koleszar*
  • HD-027 (R+01): Jaime Churches*
  • HD-028 (Even): Janise O'Neil Robinson
  • HD-029 (R+02): Kyle Wright
  • HD-031 (D+05): Reggie Miller*
  • HD-038 (D+05): Joey Andrews*
  • HD-042 (R+09): Austin Marsman
  • HD-044 (D+01): Jim Haadsma*
  • HD-046 (D+02): Daniel J. Mahoney
  • HD-048 (D+04): Jennifer A. Conlin*
  • HD-054 (R+02): Shadia Martini
  • HD-055 (R+02): Trevis Harrold
  • HD-057 (R+03): Aisha Farooqi
  • HD-058 (R+02): Nate Shannon*
  • HD-061 (D+03): Denise Mentzer*
  • HD-062 (R+03): Michelle Levine-Woodman
  • HD-068 (R+04): Matt Schlinker
  • HD-076 (D+04): Angela Witwer*
  • HD-081 (D+07): Stephen Wooden
  • HD-083 (D+05): John Fitzgerald*
  • HD-084 (D+04): Carol Glanville*
  • HD-086 (R+08): Abby Klomparens
  • HD-092 (R+05): Timothy Odykirk
  • HD-096 (R+04): Rudy M. Howard, Jr.
  • HD-103 (Even): Betsy Coffia*
  • HD-109 (D+04): Jenn Hill*


  • HD-049 (R+10): Andrew Wood
  • HD-051 (R+20): Sarah May-Seward
  • HD-095 (R+17): Sabrina Lopez
  • HD-107 (R+16): Jodi Decker


  • Michigan Democratic Party
  • Michigan House Democrats
  • Michigan Senate Democrats
  • Oakland County Democratic Party
  • Oakland County Democratic Commissioners

Contribution rules

  1. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  5. I am not a federal contractor.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.