Who We Are.
The Million Voters Project (MVP) is an unprecedented multi-racial, multigenerational coalition made up of nine of the strongest community-driven state and regional networks, reaching out to two million voters across the state: Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders for Civic Empowerment Education Fund (AAPI FORCE-EF), California Black Power Network (CBPN), California Calls, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of California (CHIRLA), Inland Empire United, Power California, PICO California, and the Orange County Civic Engagement Table (OCCET).
MVP has over 120 local affiliates working year-round to build political power for the new California majority by organizing communities most impacted by economic and social inequality, including people of color, young people, immigrants, refugees, people impacted by the justice system, and low-income residents.
Our Purpose.
MVP’s goal is to transform the California Electorate and create a government that meets the needs of our nation, state, and neighborhoods by mobilizing one million new and infrequent voters to the polls around an agenda of equity and inclusion for all–no matter their race, religion, or where they come from.
One million votes would secure decisive wins in statewide elections. For over a decade, we have collectively built a political infrastructure in California designed to win statewide and regional races. We are activating the rising California majority by organizing Black, Asian American, and Pacific Islander (AAPI), Latino, and young voters and employing voter outreach programs with cultural competency and in multiple languages. With a larger and more engaged voter base, we will grow our political power by winning statewide elections and advancing bold, meaningful change that all Californians deserve.