Missouri Blue in '24

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Missouri may be considered beet red these days, but Democrats can't afford to cede any state to Republicans!

Over 1.2 million Missouri residents voted for Joe Biden in 2020, and the rest of the state (and nation) are waking up to just how extreme and dangerous the GOP has become. However, MO Dems need our help to have a chance at turning back the red tide!

By default, donations made on this page will be split among the boldfaced funds below. However, you can also pick & choose who to donate to using the "Customize Amounts" tool.

Note: All donations go to the funds listed. I receive nothing.


  • HD-012 (D+01): Jamie Johnson*
  • HD-014 (D+04): Ashley Aune*
  • HD-015 (D+07): Kenneth Jamison
  • HD-016 (R+01): Gloria Young
  • HD-017 (D+04): Shirley Mata
  • HD-021 (D+02): Will Jobe
  • HD-029 (Even): Aaron Crossley*
  • HD-030 (R+06): Kevin Grover
  • HD-034 (R+01): Kemp Strickler*
  • HD-038 (R+06): Martin Jacobs
  • HD-047 (D+03): Adrian Plank*
  • HD-092 (D+03): Michael Burton*
  • HD-094 (R+07): Kyle Kerns
  • HD-096 (R+03): Leslie Derrington
  • HD-098 (D+01): Jaclyn Zimmermann
  • HD-100 (R+05): Colin Lovett
  • HD-101 (R+07): Jacqueline Cotton
  • HD-105 (R+01): Ron Odenthal
  • HD-106 (R+05): Karen Edge
  • HD-132 (D+05): Jeremy Dean
  • HD-133 (R+03): Derrick Nowlin
  • HD-135 (D+03): Betsy Fogle*
  • HD-136 (R+05): Stephanie Hein*


  • SD-01 (D+05): Doug Beck*
  • SD-17 (D+04): Maggie Nurrenbern


  • Missouri Democratic Party
  • Missouri House Democrats
  • Blue Missouri
  • Missourians for Constitutional Freedom

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I will disclose to the recipient of my contribution any contract I have with the Missouri state government.
  5. This contribution is not from a corporation or labor organization.
  6. I am not a federal contractor.
  7. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.