Move The Goalposts

Donate to Move The Goalposts

Chairman and Treasurer, Steve Marchand

Following a generally disappointing 2024 for New Hampshire Democrats at the state level, there are three questions countless activists, candidates, and grassroots leaders have asked:

1) What happened?

2) Why did it happen?

3) How do Democrats build durable, governing majorities in New Hampshire?

Move The Goalposts has already begun the work of answering these questions, and developing a plan of action for 2026 and beyond.

The months following the 2024 election were spent applying analytical tools to all 320+ voting precincts in New Hampshire. We've already begun sharing the "what happened" information with the grassroots, and that will accelerate in early 2025.

Now, MTGP has begun a statewide tour over the first several months of 2025, called the "HEADS, We Win" Listening Tour. I'll be leading dozens of discussion with local activists, candidates, and leaders to review the data, compare it to the experiences "on the ground" locally, and evaluate what worked and didn't work in 2024.

Then, late this spring, Move The Goalposts will convene a daylong conference to bring Democrats together from across the state. We'll review what was learned - from both the quantitative and qualitative work - and then offer prescriptions for how we build durable, sustainable governing majorities in 2026 and beyond. There will be plenary and breakouts session, with plenty of follow-up action plans as we head into the summer of 2025.

I've set an ambitious goal for 2025 of $100,000 to both cover the costs of this year's major project, as well as to go into 2026 ready to help targeted districts and candidates much earlier than ever (one of the first improvements I've already concluded MTGP needs to make this election cycle). I appreciate any help you can give towards helping achieve these goals.

Thank you for your support!



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Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
Paid for by Move The Goalposts PAC PO Box 322 Portsmouth, NH 03802

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