In 2016, we promised that we would not stop fighting fascism after the election. Make the Road PA has taken on all of that and more. We have dodged many of the arrows that the administration has flung at our community, and continue to charge forward in the fight for economic, social and racial justice for all. We celebrate the actions that have been taken in the last year, including multiple mobilizations to legislators’ offices in Washington D.C. and across the state, rallies and protests, educating voters through canvassing and social media, and more. There is no end to the issues that we shouldered this year: we have tackled the removal of DACA protections, unfair wages, worker justice, anti-LGBT bills, inaction toward Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands relief, Climate Justice, Police Brutality, and many more.
While I know you agree that these are all crucial elements of the resistance, the sad truth is that we don’t receive large grants or donations for most of the organizing we carry out each day. We have hundreds of members that pay dues monthly, but their dues don’t come close to covering the cost of our organizing. We fight the struggles that are most important to us and the people of PA, but if we don’t raise enough funds through our reception we risk not being able to continue (much less expand) our current level of activity.