Make the Road PA builds the power of Latinx and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice through organizing, policy innovation, transformative education, and civic engagement. Without your support today, we can't continue our resistance.
Today, our community is under attack at a level it would have been hard to imagine just 2 years ago. We are facing ever increasing raids and deportations. Trump's rescinding of DACA and the expansion of ICE in our neighborhoods is a threat to the lives of many of our leaders and community members. There has been a rapid increase in anti-immigrant initiatives at the state and county levels. Our members have grown accustomed to emboldened white supremacists shouting epithets at us as we move about our daily lives.
In the face of all of these attacks, we organize and resist, and we do it well. We have mobilized thousands of people in our communities and across the state. We have won innovative victories while defending against attacks.
We have built a strong organization, with hundreds of strong activists, Organizing Centers in Reading, NE Philadelphia, and Allentown, and members active in the struggle for justice throughout North East Pa. We have active campaigns to raise the minimum wage in PA, workers rights, fair funding for education, climate defense, LGBTQ+ rights, Shut Down Berks, justice for Puerto Rico, and standing up to hate.
All of this has been possible because of the support of individuals like you who share our common goal for better communities free of poverty, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia.
Waging an effective resistance requires resources, more resources than we currently have. We need your support now more than ever. Please make a donation today.