The National Network Assembly is a unique four-day gathering for grassroots organizers working on civic engagement and voter mobilization. Together, we will build capacity and relationships that will increase our ability to win elections up and down the ballot as well as build local, regional, and national power.
We’re raising funds to pay for 100% of the travel, tickets, and accommodation for more than half of the participants. We are making sure leaders from every state are able to attend and take back the benefits of attending to their communities. But, we can’t do that without you!
More about the 2020 National Network Assembly:
Attendees will choose from a rich variety of curated workshops and forums. They will share and learn about best practices, electoral strategies, voter mobilization, leadership, civic engagement, technology, operations, and resilience. Participants will network, strategize, and plan actions as well as identify collaborative opportunities. With deepened relationships and broadened skills, progressive leaders will return home equipped and energized to mobilize the collective power of their communities.
Want to learn more or have questions?
Visit or email Andrea Catone at
*The National Network Assembly is being organized by multiple networks, groups, and organizations, including Action Together Network, Rock the Congress, The Swell Collective, Ragtag, Empower and Help, Democracy Labs, and more.*
Note: The 2020 National Network Assembly is fiscally sponsored by Action Together Network.