Thank you for sending your comment in support of bringing grizzly bears back to the North Cascades. Please ask a friend to join you in taking action or share this action page on social media:
Can you do more? The Biden Administration is currently deciding whether to maintain Endangered Species Act protections that have allowed grizzly bears to slowly rebound from near-extinction in the Yellowstone and Glacier Park ecosystems.
The restoration of grizzly bear to the Yellowstone and Glacier areas is an Endangered Species Act success story, but there are other isolated populations of bears in Montana and Idaho that are struggling to recover. They need the Endangered Species Act–and we are fighting to keep these protections in place.
Your gift keeps our organizers working on the ground in the Northern Rockies and beyond to oppose efforts to strip grizzly bears of crucial Endangered Species Act protections.
If you prefer to donate by mail, please send a check to:
The Endangered Species Coalition
PO Box 65195
Washington, DC
Give with confidence!