Working Life

Support The Working Person's Media Network!

Goal thermometer

Wouldn't it be nice if working people could tune into a show that talked about work, money and the economy--using words and ideas that value people, not Wall Street and the stock market?


That's what the Working Life Network does!

Can you join our team now by making a contribution to help expand the reach of this unique three-year old network to help launch our video show and e-newsletter?


The pandemic crisis has hit working people, here and around the globe, hard--millions of people are out of work. But, the pandemic only made clear how the economic system fails working people every day.

That is the truth that the Working Life network exposes every day. We look at the big picture, what's really happening and why!

For three years, our weekly audio podcast has featured the voices of workers' fights all over the globe. We are especially proud that the podcast has consciously lifted up the ideas and viewpoints of a diverse set of guests--women, workers of color, and political activists and candidates who are true progressives.

We can only change the conversation and make the difference by working on this together.

So, can you pitch in with a contribution today to help us finance our efforts to reach more people?

We also understand that many people in the Working Life community are facing economic hardships right now. If you can't donate today, please do sign up for our list--we value every voice and member of our world!

We aren't a fancy-pants operation--every dollar goes to pay for a budget that we hope might top out at $150,000 to pay for the lights, technical stuff and a few coins for the team (I might even do a video tour of our worldwide studio's my basement!)

Thank you for your support!



Executive Producer/Host

Working Life Network

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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