The election may be over, but Our Revolution is just getting started!
Bernie Sanders isn't done—far from it, he succeeded far beyond anyone's expectations. While the primary goal was purposefully withheld from him by the powers-that-be, the secondary goal of organizing and energizing millions of people around our great nation was achieved with great success.
Our Revolution is continuing the political work Bernie began. It is engaging tens of millions of Americans—Americans who have given up on the political process because they've become disenfranchised and Americans who have never been involved in the political process because because they either were not old enough or they didn't think their voice could have an impact or make a difference.
It is not merely about bringing people into the fold but bringing in new ideas and new ways of doing things. The same-old, same-old doesn't work and the heart and soul of America—its people—are suffering.
We are bringing new people to the fore who have bold, new ideas. Coupled with bold action by tens of millions of people supporting new candidates from the ground up, we know we will success in making America work for all of us.
When we do not allow others to divide us but instead come together, when we all take a stand together, there is nothing that we cannot do!
I hope you will join me and support #OurRevolution as we continue to #FeelTheBern and remain #StillSanders!