MasterCard, Visa and other credit card companies are helping hate-mongers, like those behind the racial terrorism in Charlottesville, personally profit off of their hate.
We’ve given these companies more than enough chances to come clean and cut their ties with hate groups - including the hate groups that radicalized terrorists like Dylann Roof, Timothy McVeigh, Wade Michael Page and Anders Behring Breivik, but it’s clear that we need to take this fight to the next level.
We’re holding corporate enablers accountable by:
- Launching a series of ads and billboards targeted at corporate enablers of white supremacy calling on them to block white nationalists sites from their platforms.
- Going after individual white nationalist trolls like the ones we saw converge on Charlottesville and making it significantly harder for them to have a public soapbox to garner funding online.
- Deploying a number of high-pressure tactics aimed at ensuring corporations immediately sever business ties to Donald Trump and his family members.
Stop corporate funders of hate!