NOPE's focus is on supporting grassroots organizing in battleground states through our Organize for Democracy slate grassroots groups in swing states. NOPE is following the lead of the grassroots groups who in 2020 helped win the White House and flip the Senate and in 2022 helped hold the Senate — grassroots leaders who educated, registered, turned out voters, and made sure their vote was counted. NOPE has been investing in groups in battleground states that are essential to keeping the Senate blue, flipping the House and holding the White House in 2024.
The states and current groups are:
AZ - SOMOS Votantes
GA - Black Voters Matter
MI - Michigan People's Campaign
NC - Carolina Federation
NV - Make the Road Action
PA - One PA
WI - VOCES de la Frontera Action
Please join us. For our democracy!
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