Nora Kramer's Volunteer-a-Thon Fundraising Page
Hey hey YEA Camp!
Those words bring a big smile to my face. As the director of YEA Camp, I say them a lot! They're our way of getting people's attention when we have an announcement at camp.
So here's my announcement: I love YEA Camp and YEA Campers!
My volunteer project for my first ever YEA Volunteer-a-Thon, I’m going to reach out to at least 100(!) past YEA Campers from over the last decade whom I’ve lost touch with to see how they’re doing and if I can support them with their activism. I'll report back how it goes in our blog!
Your donation not only hows your support for me in doing this activism, it helps fund our YEA Camp scholarship fund so that we can help even more aspiring activists to make a bigger difference.
You can find out more about YEA Camp at, and to find out more about this Volunteer-a-Thon, check out our main fundraising page at Thank you so much for your support!