Support North Scottsdale Democrats and be kind to the environment with our reusable, stainless steel water bottle. Product description:
For a limited time, our NSD reusable, stainless steel water bottle is offered as a gift in appreciation for each donation of $30 or more that you make under this special promotion.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not ship outside the city of Scottsdale AZ. You may pick up your bottle at our next General Meeting, or we can arrange to deliver to your location in Scottsdale and adjacent communities.. Quantities are limited so don't delay. Donate now!
For a limited time, support North Scottsdale Democrats and be kind to the environment with our reusable, stainless steel water bottle. For every $30 or more that you donate, you are eligible to receive a gift of one NSD water bottle in appreciation for your support. For example, donate $30 and receive one water bottle. Donate $60 and receive two bottles, etc. NOTE: This item is only available locally. We do not ship outside the city of Scottsdale AZ. You may pick up your water bottle gift at the next North Scottsdale Democrats General Meeting. Simply present a copy of your receipt as proof of purchase. Or you may email us at to arrange for delivery to your Scottsdale AZ location.
The items on this page are being offered as a gift by North Scottsdale Democrats (AZ) in gratitude for a contribution at the designated level. The estimated shipping time for the gifts is in 1-2 weeks.
North Scottsdale Democrats (AZ) is solely responsible for producing and shipping your gift. If you have questions about your gift, please contact them at 6306998282.