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On March 5, 2024 a majority of voters in Orange County cast their ballots for academic excellence, equity, and inclusion. These are values we hold dear, and we joined our neighbors in voting for a slate of candidates: Carrie Doyle, Jennifer Moore, and Wendy Padilla, who would fight for these values on behalf of all students, staff, and families. 

Unfortunately, it turned out that one of those candidates, Jennifer Moore, had deceived voters about her own level of education. We were blindsided and saddened by her dishonesty. We think that it is right that she has resigned her position on the board. She will remain on the ballot in the runoff election, and if elected, she has said on her campaign website that she will not serve.

Her departure has left Orange County with an important choice: How do we uphold the values that will provide our children with a brighter future? How do we defend the vote we cast on March 5 for better and more inclusive schools?

We can shape the future with our vote

For some of us, the answer is to make sure our voices — and our votes — are heard. We must not allow a single person’s deception to turn back the clock on the real and important progress we’ve made in Orange County’s schools. Checking the box next to Jennifer Moore’s name in the runoff election will be a vote for the school board to fill her position with someone who supports the vision of academic excellence and equity we voted for in March.


For others, the answer is to refrain from voting and accept that the runoff challenger, though not selected by a majority of the voters in the March 5 election, will likely be seated on the school board.

No matter what personal decision individuals make, we remain united in our commitment to a better future — for our children, our teachers, and our community.


Communities Supporting Orange County Schools (CSOCS) is for parents, caregivers, teachers, students, and community members who are dedicated to nurturing a vibrant future for every child and family in Orange County Schools (OCS). We firmly believe in the power of community engagement and inclusivity to make Orange County, from White Cross to Hillsborough to Cedar Grove, not just a great place to live, but home to thriving schools and communities. Public schools are foundational to our democracy and community civic life. Now more than ever, they need our support and our protection.

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  4. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).

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