Olmsted 20/24 DFL is an organizing unit of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party that covers the Olmsted County portions of Senate Districts 20 and 24. The purpose of our organizing unit is to elect candidates to public office who represent our shared values.
Olmsted 20/24 DFL does the day to day work of the DFL party in its area. This includes operating the Rochester DFL office, organizing at the precinct or township level, communicating to people in its area, being involved in community events such as parades and fairs, putting on DFL-sponsored events, raising money to support our operations, and trying to get underrepresented groups involved in the DFL. We often do these things in connection with Senate District 25 DFL, the other organizing unit in Olmsted County.
Your donation supports this party unit right at the grassroots level. Thank you!