Your contribution fuels our mission to combine tried and true organizing with top-of-the-line data and digital tools to build worker power in the South and Southwest and to level up campaigns that reach millions. At Organized Power In Numbers, we're not just talking about change; we're making it happen.
By supporting us, you're investing in winning big for workers, our families, and our communities. Together, we can create real, lasting change.
Your financial support enables us to deploy comprehensive campaigns, advocate for policy changes, and provide vital resources for leadership development. With your help, we can continue to fight for workers' rights and promote democratic engagement at all levels of government.
Join us in building worker power and forging partnerships with grassroots organizations across the South and Southwest. Together, we can achieve the scale needed to make a difference in the lives of millions.
Donate today and be a part of the movement for a brighter future!
Organized Power In Numbers is a project of the Working Families Organization.
Working Families Organization estimates that 20% of contributions are spent on lobbying. Organized Power In Numbers, formally known as Unemployed Workers United, is a project of the Working Families Organization, a 501(c)(4) organization, contributions are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions or business expenses under IRS S.162(e).