Support Oakland Rising Action as we prepare for the coming election year. Your support funds the expansion of our organizing to year-round and beyond Oakland's flatlands into unincorporated Alameda County! Choose from donor gifts from some of Oakland’s hottest artists and culture makers who are central to our movement.
Help us reach our goal of raising $20,000 by November 16 so we can create a more inclusive and powerful democracy that pushes for and wins progressive leadership and policy.
Donor thank you's include:
$5,000 and up - combo of 3 gifts from below
$2,500 - combo of 2 gifts from below
$1,000 - Live Performance (virtual) from Kev Choice and Jenn Johns
$500 - Choose from:
$250 A print of original art piece from your choice of:
Email beth[at]oaklandrisingaction[dot]org which gift you would like as your thank you.