Patrice Berry

Help us elect Patrice to the Oakland School Board!

I grew up in a rural town in Maryland, where the public schools I attended were integrated, but opportunity was not universal. Yet, education has always been a cornerstone in my life, providing me with a sense of possibility and empowerment.

Every experience I've had has led me to this moment.

When I became an educator, I saw first-hand how education can serve as a safe space for children—and a beacon of hope for parents and caregivers. For so many of us, education is our liberation and a pathway to economic power. It is the opportunity every child deserves. And it’s why I have dedicated myself over the past 20 years to fight for education equity and justice.

While great things are happening in some classrooms and schools across Oakland—yet still today, far too few of our children are reading and doing math at grade level.

To transform our school district into a world-class system of education, we need to focus on what matters most: ensuring our children can read, continuing to stabilize our finances, and building a vision of the future we want for our school district.

I have a track record of fighting for students, and I know what it takes to work with students, educators, and families to fight for better school attendance, GPAs, test scores, and college enrollment. 

I believe I can help our school board achieve its goals. But it won’t be easy. I need your help. Stand with me in this fight and donate today!

Thank you so much for your support. Let's do this!

Contribution rules

  1. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. The Oakland Campaign Reform Act limits campaign contributions by all persons (OMC §§3.12.050 and 3.12.060) and prohibits contributions during specified time periods from contractors doing business with the City of Oakland or the Oakland Unified School District (OMC §3.12.140).
  4. I am at least eighteen years old.
Paid for by Patrice Berry for Oakland School Board 2024 FPPC #1469795

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