We're supporting bold progressive candidates who will fight alongside Elizabeth Warren for big ideas such as expanding Social Security, debt-free college, a public option, a $15 minimum wage, automatic voter registration at age 18, campaign finance reform, police reform, Wall Street reform, and criminal accountability when corporate executives break the law.
Each candidate on this page is a bold progressive fighter in a tight election who deserves (and needs!) our support -- including Zephyr Teachout (NY-19) and Angie Craig (MN-02) in two of the biggest pickup opportunities in the country.
Can you donate $3 or more to each of these bold progressive candidates to help them win their races?
Donations on this page will be split evenly among the candidates and entities shown, but you can adjust that however you like. You can also donate by mail by clicking on these links: Russ Feingold, Zephyr Teachout (NY-19), Angie Craig, Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Colin Van Ostern, Mike Honda, Carol Shea Porter, Rick Nolan, Nanette Barragán, and the PCCC's work electing bold progressives.