We’re joining with local activists to urge Zephyr Teachout to run for Congress in the New York's newly open 19th district.
Zephyr would be a great ally for Elizabeth Warren in Congress. She has a long history as a leading progressive voice and a strong fighter for campaign finance reform and against powerful interests.
An important part of urging a candidate to run for Congress is making sure they know they'll have the financial resources to win -- resources they'll need to hire staff, run a field operation, and effectively communicate with voters.
Can you donate $3 to show Zephyr Teachout she has the grassroots support she'll need to win?
Donations made to the PCCC for Zephyr Teachout Draft Fund will be sent to Zephyr on Week 1 of her campaign. If she does not run, funds will go to the PCCC's candidate recruitment efforts around the nation.
You can also donate directly to the PCCC's work to elect progressives on this page or by mail here.