We’re endorsing Randy Bryce because he is an authentic, gut-level economic populist who is instinctively on the side of working people and will inspire voters.
Randy’s experience as an ironworker, union leader, and cancer survivor gives him a unique perspective on what matters most to working families in southeast Wisconsin. Voters see him as authentic when he runs on bold issues like Medicare for All, expanding Social Security, and raising worker wages.
As Republicans embrace Trump as the face of their party, we need inspiring progressives like Randy Bryce to be the face of the Democratic Party in order to take back the House in 2018.”
"We are in a David vs. Goliath race here in Southeast Wisconsin, and need all the support we can get in the fight to next November. Having the PCCC and their army of progressives standing with us will be crucial to spreading the word to working men and women all over the United States. The PCCC has helped elect candidates at all levels of government, who stand for the same core values of economic populism, support for working families and a fair shot for all -- and with their backing we are stronger." -- Randy Bryce (WI-01)
Can you donate $3 to "Iron Stache" Randy Bryce’s campaign in WI-01, bold progressive Andy Kim's campaign in NJ-03, and to our work to expand the map in 2018? You can donate on this page or by mail to Randy Bryce's campaign here and to our work expanding the "Warren wing" in Congress here.