PCCC - Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Watch this Democratic U.S. Senate candidate expertly connect stopping Putin to investing in renewable energy. (PCCC)

WATCH: In these 2 short MSNBC video clips, Democrat, former Marine, and 2022 Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Lucas Kunce shows:

  1. To stop Putin, the U.S. needs to end the market for Russia's Natural Gas, which funds Putin's military.
  2. We do that by investing in renewable energy, subsidizing it, and exporting our technology to Europe.

Then he addresses objections about cost by pointing out that it is way cheaper than a 10 year war in Ukraine, fighting Putin's next invasions, or the $6.4 trillion we spent in the wars he participated in in Iraq and Afghanistan.

This is messaging that can win votes in Missouri from Democratic and Republican voters.

Can you donate to Lucas Kunce's Senate campaign and our work to flip this seat blue and put a bold progressive in the Senate?

This seat is winnable for Dems. The retiring Republican senator barely won with 49.2% of the vote. And Lucas Kunce is showing the way to make it happen.

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  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
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