As we tally the results, help us elect Elizabeth Warren's future allies up and down the ballot.
By supporting bold progressive candidates with deep candidate support, training, technology, and grassroots mobilization, together we can win races across country, take back Congress, and take back power in the states.
In the 2018 cycle, over 1,000 candidates from across the country attended one or more of our training sessions, including 700 candidates who attended our four-day bootcamps, over 200 candidates who attended targeted regional training sessions, and over 100 candidates who attended our monthly webinars. In 2020, we will train even more.
Can you donate $3 to support progressive candidates with training, technology, and other resources they'll need to WIN in 2020? You can donate on this page or by mail here.
Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight looked at hundreds of 2018 primary endorsements to see which groups' endorsed candidates actually won primaries and reported, "The most successful progressive group was the PCCC."