Your membership dues support the administration of Progressive Democratic Women's Caucus. Dues help us pay for expenses like our website, office supplies, credit card fees, Zoom, etc.
Join us! Become a member today!
Annual Membership Dec (for the following year) through June are:
$15/yr. for a student member.
$25/yr. for a general member.
$100/yr. for a supporting member.
From July-November, they drop to half the above charges to cover membership for the remainder of that year.
$7.50 for a student member
$12.50 for a general member
$50 for a supporting member
If you would like to make monthly donations of $19 per month to better support our Political Action Committee (PAC), which backs progressive candidates and local political causes, go back to the Home page and select "Donate." Then select "$19" and "monthly" to increase our year-around support with our "19 for the 19th" campaign.