Tell the Senate: NO Supreme Court Justice confirmation until AFTER Inauguration!

Before her passing, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg indicated to her granddaughter that her final wish was that her replacement would not be confirmed until after the inauguration.

But in spite of this, and their own recent precedent that such a vote would not take place in an election year, Senate Republicans are in the process of pushing through President Trump’s choice to replace Ginsburg on the Court, Amy Coney Barrett.

Barrett’s record and prior actions have indicated some extreme views on critical issues, such as civil rights, health care, reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, and voting rights. Barrett’s placement on the Court would usher in a 6-3 conservative majority, meaning that she could detrimentally impact the rights of millions of Americans on these issues for potentially decades to come -- and could cast the deciding vote on some key upcoming cases.

PCAF is calling on the Senate to immediately pause all confirmation activities for this vacant Supreme Court seat until AFTER the January inauguration. And we’re actively advocating against Barrett’s confirmation. But we need your help. Donate to our advocacy work.

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