During this important time, we must do everything we can to free our incarcerated neighbors to stop the thread and devastation of the virus. Your donation will help get people incarcerated in local jails pretrial out as quickly as possible through the work of community bail funds!
Welcome to the Portal 2 Black Lives Matter charity event, hosted live on twitch.tv/portal2speedruns this Friday and Saturday!
In order to keep things simple, instead of making a set schedule we are just going to release an order of games and events, and I will tweet from my personal twitter when we switch to the next event. Streams will start around noon EDT both days. And without further ado, here is our game order:
Community Map Pre Show
Portal 2 Co-op Invitational
Secret Video Project
Chess Tournament*
Portal 2 Crowd Control Race
Smash Ultimate Tournament*
Donor Choice Portal 2 Race+
Community Map Pre Show
Guess the Runner Game Show
Cards Against Humanity*
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Races*
Jackbox Party Games*
Portal 2 Speedrun Mod Invitational
Minecraft Ultra Hardcore*
Donor Choice Portal 2 Race+
Any downtime between events or extra time we want to fill will be filled with community maps found in the #community-maps section of discord!
All the events with asterisks are the community events which will require a $5 donation to enter. Due to the way ActBlue keeps track of donations, once you donate, please DM me (baister09#1107 on discord) with your first name and what you want your donation towards, including which event(s) if you want to gain entry to any of them.
The Donor Choice races with a + next to them are exact what it sounds like! Any donations you make can be put towards any of the categories on the following list and at the end of the stream we will do an open community race for the highest donated one! After 3 hours of stream, only the games that currently have donations towards them will be available for future donations. The list of possible events is:
And finally, the last donation based event is Portal 2 Crowd Control! We have invited a few top runners to participate and you all, the viewers, can donate to give any of them buffs or debuffs at any point! As with other donations, please DM me (baister09#1107 on discord) with your first name and what you want your donation towards. Prices to be determined but here is a preliminary list of things we will offer for donations:
Who knows
We also have a number of donation goals for the event!! For every dollar raised, our very own PhunkPai will run one recent community map so the more you donate, the more maps he does. At $500, before the donor choice race saturday, we will add a Portal 2 Full Game relay race! And at $750, baister09 will begin production on his own Portal 2 parody to be released by the end of summer. At $1500 BSSDRVN will make a song out of Portal 2 samples.
That’s it! Enjoy the event and DM baister with any questions you have!