I’m Artie Blanco, a lifelong organizer and advocate for all working-class voters, and I am running for Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee.
It’s essential that for Democrats to get back to winning, it’s time to get back to basics. We must engage our voters in ways they can understand us, get to know our values, and learn why we don’t give up. We are their biggest and - sometimes - their only allies! And the more voters who believe in what we stand for, the more our party can unify and focus on the tasks at hand.
This is why I’m asking you to DONATE to my campaign for DNC Vice-Chair. Will you support me in advocating for all working-class voters?
I intend to focus on three core principles:
Your CONTRIBUTION will help me get to work on strategic change that includes different perspectives and ideas to reach more voters.
I am asking for your support and your CONTRIBUTION. I’m here to listen to your ideas, answer your questions, and get to work. I’ll be getting in touch with you soon!
In Solidarity,
Artie Blanco
DNC At-Large Member, NV