Join Prism's community of justice seekers and truth-tellers, building collective power through journalism. Understanding the full story has never mattered more.
When Prism was established in 2019, it was because we knew that the status quo media landscape wasn’t reflecting enough of the truth—and it wasn’t bringing us closer to our vision of collective liberation and justice. We saw a different path forward, one that we could forge by disrupting and dismantling toxic narratives, uncovering the hard truths of injustice alongside the people experiencing the acute impacts of injustice, and providing a platform for people of color to tell their own stories, and those of their communities.
At Prism, we believe that justice requires the full story.
Through in-depth and thought provoking journalism, Prism reflects the lived experiences of people most impacted by injustice. As an independent and nonprofit newsroom led by journalists of color, we tell stories from the ground up: to disrupt harmful narratives, and to inform movements for justice.
Readers like you play a key role in keeping our newsroom strong.
Your tax-deductible contribution helps Prism ensure its continuation of deep reporting and honest insights on the most pressing injustices of our time—delivered through the lens of those who are most impacted.