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From everyday readers to movement leaders, we help people deeply and thoughtfully understand the issues and intersections of injustice. Through in-depth and thought-provoking journalism, Prism reflects the lived experiences of people most impacted by injustice and uncovers stories often overlooked in mainstream media. As an independent and nonprofit newsroom led by journalists of color, we tell stories from the ground up: to disrupt harmful narratives and to inform movements for justice. That’s why our members are critical to our fight for collective liberation and justice for people and communities who are historically oppressed.
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By becoming a member of Prism, you are joining a community of changemakers who believe in the power of fearless, accurate reporting to change the course of history. We couldn’t do this work without you, and we’re excited to have you join our community of journalists, truth-tellers, organizers, and justice seekers in the pursuit of justice!
Illuminators ($40+/month)
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