Progress Centre works and invests in the areas that don't get the political investment and support they need: rural areas. And not only are we focused on winning back rural areas, we support Progressive causes too. If the Democratic Party is the political party for everyday people, then we are going to do the work to not just show it, but be it.
Inspired by Howard Dean and his 50 State Strategy, we aspire to support Democratic candidates in the red areas and set up the infrastructure to take steps forward for the wins.
Your investment helps us with:
1) Registering voters that are likely to support our candidates,
2) Providing services to increase infrequent voter turnout for our candidates,
3) Expanding our voter base,
4) Persuading those with different views that the candidates we support are the candidate for them!
This is about engagement, investment, and grit. Are you in? Donate today, whether it'd $15 or $50 a month, your investment helps get more of your candidates elected in Central PA!
Checks made payable to:
Progress Centre
PO Box 518
Millheim, PA 16854